Visit us at the Airport

We are so proud of our airport location. True to its roots on College street and serving up the best smoked meat in the city.

Find us at Pearson International Airport
Terminal 3, Gates 39/40

Store Hours:

Daily: 4 am - 10 pm 

Mini menu

click on the image to see our menu


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Josh Goldberg

I miss caplanskys so much! Please tell me you are going to open another location?

Noel Marsella

Do you still have a mobile food truck that could cater our spring event?



Stephanie B

Dropping by your restaurant at Pearson is the best way to begin any trip (no matter what gate I am departing from). I always order two meals – one to eat one the spot and the other to be lovingly packed into my carry-on so I can pull it out when everyone else is eating airplane food. Really miss your locations on College and in Hazelton Lanes.

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